Long time gone…

There are days when I feel like squeezing my head until it bursts.

You know?

So, Renegade Kitchen has been quiet lately, but for absolutely wonderful (and sometimes exhausting) reasons. The sweltering month of August provided me with not one, but two weddings to celebrate. The first, for my oldest friend (quite literally, we met at the unripe age of 2) was a week ago in Boulder. I was asked to officiate the ceremony and the honor unstopped the meager plug holding back my tears which poured forth nearly every moment I wasn’t speaking. Marriage by morning light on Flagstaff Mountain, I will not soon forget you. The second wedding is still to come ( I leave in two days). This time, instead of running the show, I will slip smiling into the role of maid of honor at one of my best friend’s weddings (too many movie titles in this sentence). Remember when you had a gang of four or five miscreants with whom you did everything in middle and/or high school? I would have no gang without Jenny. It is not too outrageous to say that I’m anticipating this wedding like a drag queen with a new wig in a box.


Weddings are wonderful, but hardly enough to keep me from the kitchen. So, what else has been scribbling my brain? MOVING. Double yuck. I like being settled, I like feeling at home, I am dreadful at packing up my ish and taking the show on the road. My new place is in the same neighborhood I’ve always lived in (my fourth in Park Slope) and has a great kitchen (by NYC standards). Obviously the most important thing to do in a new apartment (before unpacking or buying any furniture whatsoever) is making cookies. NYC apartments are not renowned for their modern appliances and I wanted to know a.s.a.p. how far the internal oven temp. varied from that on the dial. There is no better way to do this than with a batch of cookies. You will be pleased to know that while the oven temp. fell quite below its display, the cookies were still deltastico. And I broke in a new wooden  spoon. On cookie batter. Best virgin spoon experience ever.

Now that you’re all caught up on the present let us turn our digital gaze to the future! Renegade Kitchen has balloons of excitement on the horizon, here are a few things to look forward to:

  • Tuesday, August 17th-I will be attending a benefit event with the Celiac Disease Center of Columbia University. I’ll be on hand to interview Craig Pinto, the field kicker for the New Jersey Rebels. Also-I will be luxuriating in the carnival games of my youth. Skee-ball, you better work.
  • New cooking episodes! Lucy Gibney of Lucy’s cookies came out to Colorado to teach me some of her secret home recipes. What’s that? Chocolate cake? I drool.
  • Mark your calendars for September 25th. Craig Pinto (pro athlete+celiac disease=rockstar) will be breaking the Guinness Record for most field goals scored in 12 hours. I will be filming it. As long as my arms don’t fall off.

I am le tired. Lots to look forward to, tons to smile back at.
