
Dairy Free, Dinner, Fall, Gluten Free, Side, Snack, Veggies, Winter

Black Pepper Fennel Pickle

My sister once called fennel a snooty vegetable and I have, ever since, been on a crusade to defend its good name. In this recipe the floral bulbs spend ample time in a bath of vinegar and pepper until they are suffused with a bracing flavor. Put this out on the table while you fix cocktails for your guests, it's the perfect accompaniment for a cold drink.

Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Fall, Side, Snack, Veggies, Winter

Cranberry Pickled Cauliflower

Hunting for an easy appetizer to serve over the holiday season? Look no further! This cauliflower emerges from its bath painted in crimson and scented with rosemary. It's the perfect nibble to put on the table while you're puttering away in the kitchen and your guests are mingling.

Breakfast, Dinner, Fall, Gluten Free, Side, Snack


Chewy, gooey, crusty mozzarella sticks are a staple of middle-American menus. Kids love them, adults love them, there's nothing not to love. But there is something to improve. When you want a treat like that at home, skip the frozen food aisle and our microwave. Instead, make a batch of paneer, cut it into slices, and fry it in hot oil. You'll love the dense cheese with a crisp crust.